Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Love Lost and Found

Soho books and authors have received quite a bit of attention lately.

Marriage counselor and love expert Sharyn Wolf gave an interview with Kirkus Books today to promote her new book, Love Shrinks.  Kirkus’ Michelle Daugherty drew out some excellent responses from Wolf regarding the inspiration for the book and how Wolf was taking the negative press attention following her guest blog on the Huffington Post where she admitted to a failed marriage.  

“I’m very surprised,” Wolf told Daugherty regarding the media’s response, “because they haven’t read the book. And they don’t know the complexities of this marriage, and I think of so many marriages that are really floundering. I’ve been saying lately that you can be a heart surgeon and have a heart attack; I can be a marriage counselor and have a divorce—they’re not mutually exclusive.”
The video below shows Wolf’s interview with Fox News and highlights some of the controversy mentioned above, specifically the ramifications this book may have on Wolf’s relationship to Oprah Winfrey on whose show the marriage counselor was featured as an expert eight times.

Meanwhile, Katharine Beutner won the Edmund White Award for Debut Lesbian Fiction for Alcestis, her version of the mythological tale of a woman who sacrifices her life to the underworld so that her husband may live instead.  Young Alcestis finds the world of the dead to be not much worse than her own and in time discovers that there is passion even among the unloving when she is drawn to the embrace of Hades’ stolen wife, Persephone.  There is certainly something alluring about this gothic-sounding tale of womanly love and the abyss, which explains why Alcestis has also been nominated for the Lambda Awards later this month as well.

Finally, the paperback of Sara Gran’s horror novel, Come Closer, will be appearing on bookshelves by the end of the month.  The book is tightly written and has been praised by both Bret Easton Ellis and Sam Lipsyte.

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