Saturday, November 13, 2010

Binghamton University Marketing Major Publishes First Novel Independently

This one's not about any of our clients, but I thought it was a very interesting story, and it happened in Binghamton, NY (which is where I'm blogging from, BING REPRESENT!). A senior marketing major at Binghamton University wrote a novel last year in his spare time working at an auto dealership and has, just this month, gotten it published by the independent publishing house Black Rose Writing. There are several things great about this story:

1.) Yes, I said marketing major; not English, not Creative Writing, MARKETING!!!
2.) He wrote this book at WORK; he started it in his spare time between selling cars and then took it with him on his semester abroad and finished it in Prague.
3.) The book has been picked up and has already garnered a positive review from Kirkus Reviews.

It's really a great story. It goes to show that there is no conventional way to write a book and get it published, and no one should ever be discouraged from trying to put something out there. For more details, here's the BU student newspaper article. The book is The Ancillary's Mask, and it's written by Daniel Cohen.

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