Monday, November 26, 2012

Business health is more than the bottom line

People are being bombarded at both work and home by events that can seem frighteningly overwhelming: natural disasters, political upheaval, economic uncertainty, and technological changes.

In addition, everyone knows someone who is dealing with personal hardships or losses, both economically and emotionally.

Employers can't be mind readers, but it's important to periodically ask how your employees are doing both at work and in their own personal life. Identifying stressors in the workplace before they impact productivity can head off problems down the road.  

Are you seeing signs of low morale, arguments over minor things, lethargy, increased absenteeism, depression?

Sometimes all it takes is a question to show your employee that you are aware there is something wrong and acknowledge a problem, which is often the first step to finding a solution. It is worth a moment of your time as an employer to show support, compassion and understanding.

These are the true hallmarks of a strong, healthy and compassionate workplace and which reflect a health and balanced company ethic.

Do what you do best; let Benay do the rest!

Benay's financial dashboard tells you exactly what's going on in your business. We help you detect problems and identify opportunities for business growth.

If you or a colleague need a business health check-up, no co-payments are required for a free consultation.

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