Friday, January 21, 2011

Dark Deeds in Ireland

Proving that the recent trend of mixing detective fiction with the supernatural is less a passing fancy and more the foundation of a strong new genre, Soho Crime’s Collusion, by Neville Stuart, received an extremely enthusiastic review this week from Spinetingler MagazineCollusion follows up where The Ghosts of Belfast left off.  The aftermath of a bloody shootout draws in Jack Lennon, a Detective Inspector who has his job as a DI with the Protestant Northern police force and not much else.  Shunned by his Catholic family and friends, Jack throws himself doggedly into his work, latching onto each case as they come to him, until he gets wind of the frame-up and massacre left behind at the end of The Ghosts of Belfast.

Hunted by a mysterious otherworldly killer named ‘The Traveller’ the ex-assassin protagonist of the last book is forced to team up with Jack just to stay alive.  Collusion offers up conspiracy, violence, sex, bullets, and voices from beyond the grave in what most reviewers are affectionately referring to as fast-paced fiction.  Do yourself a favor and read the books in order.   Pick up Ghosts and Collusion for some page-turning adrenaline this weekend.

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